Seasoned experts in cryptography, network and cloud security.

The technology of blockchain has incredible implications for value storage, personal agency, asset ownership, and much more. As the global community of traditional financial institutions and blockchain developers continue to build a new financial ecosystem, we saw an opportunity to solve one of the biggest roadblocks to large-scale cryptocurrency adoption.

Arwen eliminates counterparty risk on centralized exchanges and bilateral trade platforms by providing a decentralized security layer. Using the blockchain itself as the security agent, Arwen provides secure settlement protocols across incompatible chains as well as fiat networks. Our protocol and system has been developed by a team with over a decade of expertise in cryptographic standards and network security.

Much of the value of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies derives from the absence of a single trusted party. Why then is a single trusted party still required when trading one cryptocurrency for another? Don’t give up your keys or coins in order to access the market. With Arwen, you’ll trade with confidence and peace of mind, knowing you don’t have to sacrifice security for access to liquidity.


  • Sharon Goldberg

    Sharon Goldberg

    Sharon Goldberg

    Sharon brings over a decade of expertise in network security and cryptography. She is also an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Boston University, where her research focuses on securing the protocols that provide many of the global internet’s core functions. Sharon received her Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2009 and is the recipient of two IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prizes, an NSF CAREER Award, an N2 Women Rising Star in Networking and Communications Award and a Sloan Research Fellowship. In her spare time, she enjoys working.

  • Ethan Heilman

    Ethan Heilman

    Ethan Heilman

    Ethan has spent five years improving the security and privacy of cryptocurrencies. He is the author of 8+ technical papers on cryptocurrency and blockchain security, as well as one paper which broke the security of SHA-3 candidate Spectral Hash. Ethan is a PhD candidate at Boston University, an inventor of the Bitcoin privacy protocol TumbleBit, and has contributed security improvements to the Bitcoin Core codebase. He is the recipient of a IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize, and was nominated for a Pwnie in the category of Best Cryptographic Attack. Ethan previously designed cryptologic software and built genomic tools for the Broad Institute. In his spare time, he enjoys breaking cryptographic hash functions.